Energy Audit

Energy Audit
LII has been designated by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) as an Energy Service Company (ESCO) qualified to for undertake projects suggesting & carrying out Energy Efficiency improvements in existing buildings / facilities. Through ESCO mode we have done Carried out energy audits of various buildings.
LII has a team of experienced BEE (Bureau of energy efficiency) accredited Energy Auditors, electrical engineers, mechanical engineers and technicians.
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Energy Management Services
Energy Audits in the Thermal Systems including Study of Steam Generation, Distribution and Utilization including Flue Gas Analysis, Combustion, Condensate Recovery, Study of Oil Fired Furnaces/ Ovens, Thermal Insulation (Hot / Cold / Acoustic), Cooling Tower Performance evaluation etc.
Energy Audits in the Electrical Systems including LT & HT Power distribution studies, Load Studies of Motors under different operational conditions and Study of Mechanical Power Transmission Systems, Power Factor Monitoring & Control Studies, Harmonic Analysis, Compressed Air System Studies, Water Pumping System Studies, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning System Studies, Study of Electrical Furnaces/ Ovens, Study of DG Sets, Illumination Studies etc.
Monitoring and Implementation of Energy Conservation Schemes: As an extension to energy audit work we also offer services for proper implementation of Energy Conservation measures recommended by us through the energy audits (technical know how & expertise available with us in this field). Besides this, we also impart training to the concerned plant personnel on the recommended practices & schemes to be implemented during the energy audit.

Thermal Insulation Survey & Audit
Insulation Audit Survey was introduced to the Indian Industry by us to arrive at a detailed report to the users on the health of insulation ‘as is’ and to give guidance on ‘what should be’ is the only comprehensive program in this sector of activity. The report that is presented to the users broadly covers the following
More Info
LII is a registered Energy service company (ESC) providing Energy Audit, Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency Services to industry and the Building sector, providing consultancy services in the areas of energy and utility system management, energy conservation and spreading awareness about energy efficiency through appropriate training modules.
LII has been designated by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) as an Energy Service Company (ESCO) qualified to for undertake projects suggesting & carrying out Energy Efficiency improvements in existing buildings / facilities. Through ESCO mode we have done Carried out energy audits of various buildings.
LII has been also short listed by Bureau of Energy Efficiency for undertaking “Baseline Energy Audit under PAT Scheme”.
LII has a team of experienced BEE (Bureau of energy efficiency) accredited Energy Auditors, electrical engineers, mechanical engineers and technicians.
LII is a member of Green Building Congress & an active member of the Expert Committee which had worked successfully in drafting Energy Conservation Building Code 2007. (ECBC 2007)
LII has developed the necessary infrastructure in terms of experienced professionals in various
Sectors of industry, computerization, instrumentation support, inter/ intra industry exposure etc. to Provide services in the field of Energy Management Technology. Some of the specialized activities taken up by include the following:
Energy Audits in the Thermal Systems including Study of Steam Generation, Distribution and Utilization including Flue Gas Analysis, Combustion, Condensate Recovery, Study of Oil Fired Furnaces/ Ovens, Thermal Insulation (Hot / Cold / Acoustic), Cooling Tower Performance evaluation etc.
Energy Audits in the Electrical Systems including LT & HT Power distribution studies, Load Studies of Motors under different operational conditions and Study of Mechanical Power Transmission Systems, Power Factor Monitoring & Control Studies, Harmonic Analysis, Compressed Air System Studies, Water Pumping System Studies, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning System Studies, Study of Electrical Furnaces/ Ovens, Study of DG Sets, Illumination Studies etc.
Monitoring and Implementation of Energy Conservation Schemes: As an extension to energy audit work we also offer services for proper implementation of Energy Conservation measures recommended by us through the energy audits (technical know how & expertise available with us in this field). Besides this, we also impart training to the concerned plant personnel on the recommended practices & schemes to be implemented during the energy audit.
Thermal Insulation Survey and Audit
Insulation Audit Survey introduced to the Indian Industry by LLOYDS to arrive at a detailed report to the users on the health of insulation ‘as is’ and to give guidance on ‘what should be’ is the only comprehensive program in this sector of activity. The report that is presented o the users by LLOYDS broadly covers the following,
- The Present physical condition of the existing insulation system.
- Thermal performance of the existing system in place.
- Assignable causes of any anisentropy observed.
- Suggested remedial measures -with a priority assignment, depending on gradation in seriousness of existing defects observed.
- Defining the optimum Insulation system suited best to the situation and needs as perceived- presented in the form of a specification document and a Quality Assurance Procedure.
- Estimation of the total cost of recommended re-insulation with price back-up & payback period calculations.
We arrive at the scope to be covered by the survey in close consultation with the users and their operating departments. The extent of field measurement involved gives us the basis for estimating the cost and timelines for survey.
We depute required number of our engineers with necessary instruments, who after selecting representative areas, will take field measurements of the outer surface temperature over cladding, and also other parameters like wind velocity required to assess the heat loss/gain from the system.
Thermographic equipment, when used, are for initial subjective assessment and for identification of hot / cold spots. Contact thermometers, with correctly chosen sensors are deployed for accurate surface temperature measurements. Vane type anemometers are used to measure wind velocity at the time of measurement.
Field data collection forms the first stage of the Audit process and covers only 20% of total job in the entire gamut of Energy Audit program. When the field work is completed, it is followed by data processing, problem identification etc based on detailed review by experts.
The report furnished will consist of the following:
- An estimate of the cost of existing heat losses/gains for each clearly identified section. Computation is based on data of energy costs and other parameters prevailing as on date of survey.
- Identification of specific hot spot / cold spot locations, and analysis of likely causes. Any thermal bridges caused by construction detailing followed (pipe/ equipment supports being specific case in point) are marked out. Heat loss/gain from such anisentropies is tabulated separately.
- A clear recommendation on upgrade in insulation system, its application procedure along with indicative cost.
- Assessment of cost/benefit to the user in the form of payback period.
Seminars and Training Programmes on Energy Conservation and Management LII provides a comprehensive and integrated, Consultancy package in Energy Management through its Team of Engineers which include industry/ specific Technology Experts as well as specialists in Chemical, Electrical, Thermal, Instrumentation, Metallurgy, Textile and Mechanical fields backed up by an extensive data bank, library and latest sophisticated instrumentation including.
Thermography Services
We also offer Thermography Services for HOT SPOTS assessment of Thermal Insulation / refractory lining by measurement of temperatures over exposed surfaces of equipment such as Furnaces, Fired Heaters, Reformers, GAS TURBINE THERMAL BLOCK INCLUDING COMBUSTION CHAMBERS, GAS TURBINE EXHAUST and similar applications.
Methodology Adopted
Methodology Adopted during audit for achieving the desired objectives viz.
- Assessment of the Current operational status and
- Energy savings, include the following:
- Discussions with the concerned officials/ supervisors in the Complex for identification of major areas of focus and concurrently related systems
- A team of Certified Energy Auditors visited the complex to collect data/ information on the Load Distribution and Energy Consumption pattern. The data was analyzed to arrive at a base line energy consumption pattern.
- Measurements and monitoring with the help of appropriate instruments including continuous and/ or time-lapse recording, as appropriate and visual observations were made to identify the energy usage pattern and losses in the system.
- Computation and in-depth analysis of the collected data, including analysis and other techniques as appropriate was done and to evolve suitable energy conservation plan/s for improvements/ reduction in Specific Energy Consumption.
Thermal Instruments deployed:
- Combustion Analyzer KM-900 with inbuilt memory (150 set of readings) and programmable features;
- Dual Type Digital Temperature (°C/°F) Measuring Device with appropriate probes;
- Ultrasonic leak detector with transmitter to detect Steam/ Compressed Air Leakages;
- Hygrometer;
- Anemometer;
- Digital pen type TDS meter
- U Tube & Digital Manometers
- Infra red Temperature Measuring Device/ Indicator,
- Ultrasonic Flow meter.
Electrical Instruments:
- Electric Power Monitoring system for LT Supplies (3 phase 4 wire) & HT Supplies with Inbuilt Memory for time lapse recording, programmable CT & PT Ratio for varied applications;
- Tachometer for rpm measurements.
- Harmonic Analyzers;
- Sound Level Meter
- Insulation Tester
- Clamp on type Power Factor, Ampere, KVAR, Power and Lux Meters.
Our team of professionals has a vast experience in the field of Energy Management/ Conservation and has undertaken more than 100 Energy Audits both for Thermal & Electrical systems in various industries.
Some major clients whom we have provided our Energy Audit service are,
Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA)
Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)
Energy Efficiency Services Limited